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8 ways to enjoy your food and be healthy

Pedro Osses • Dec 18, 2022


There are no quick fixes. Good nutrition habits requires commitment, patience and determination.



There are specific groups who may need more dietary supplements. For example, older people often do not make proper adjustments in their diets when energy needs decline. Although calorie needs generally drop with age, the need for protein, vitamins, and minerals does not decline.



In the past decade, technology has created a lifestyle paradox. Although technology enables people to complete daily activities with greater efficiency, it has replaced everyday movement. This decline has resulted in increased dysfunction and obesity. It is obvious that the need for professional, personalized physical training is increasing. Fitness training can be a luxury, but it is moving toward becoming a necessity.



In today’s sedentary culture, who is a potential client for a fitness regime? Everybody! It is difficult to imagine anyone who does not have a desire to look and feel better, perform at a higher level, be healthier and more confident, enjoy a better quality of life, and reduce chronic pain.


Here you have 8 ways to enjoy your food and be healthier:


  1. A good step toward get a good life is to abandon fast food.
  2. Instead, get enroll in the slow food movement and set more time to enjoy your food
  3. Prepare you own meal and be aware of every single bite; take the time to chew it, to taste it.
  4. Buy fresh ingredients such as fruits, veggies, grains, nuts and beans.
  5. Before eating, just smile, take a deep breath, and be present.
  6. When eating, just eat. Do not watch TV or check your phone while eating.
  7. If you have company, have a pleasant conversation
  8. Finally, if you decide to go out, then select a good place to eat. Remember always that quality is more important than quantity.


Simple healthy diet habits, including learning home cooking, can make a big difference and it is easier on the pocket as well.   For instance, there are huge benefits available by adding something as simple as wheatgrass to one’s diet.  I raise my own sprouts at home and have found tremendous benefits from a daily double shot of wheatgrass juice. I offer this as an example of a simple, clean, easy and inexpensive dietary experiment I have found beneficial. Natural supplements including fish oil/omega 3, glucosamine, Echinacea, and flaxseed and others are worth consideration in an integrated wellness plan.

Remember that you are what you eat. It is simple as that.

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By Junelly Osses 15 Apr, 2023
As college admissions become increasingly competitive, students are always looking for ways to stand out from the crowd. While strong academics and extracurricular activities are important, some students may overlook the benefits of participating in a sport like taekwondo. Not only can taekwondo help students develop important life skills, but it can also boost their college admissions profile in a variety of ways. From demonstrating dedication and discipline to opening up opportunities for scholarships and athletic recruitment, taekwondo can be a powerful tool for students looking to make an impact in the college admissions process. Taekwondo has been an Olympic sport since the 2000 Sydney Games, which has greatly increased its popularity and visibility worldwide. This means that students who have achieved a high level of skill in taekwondo and have competed at the national or international level are not only demonstrating their athletic abilities but also their potential to represent their country on the Olympic stage. This kind of achievement can be particularly impressive to college admissions committees, as it shows that the student has already achieved a level of success that few people have. Additionally, being an Olympic sport can open-up opportunities for scholarships and other forms of financial aid specifically for Olympic hopefuls, which can be a significant advantage for students looking to attend college. Admissions committees are always looking for well-rounded applicants who have demonstrated a commitment to their passions, whether it's in the arts, athletics, or academics. Participating in a sport like taekwondo demonstrates a level of dedication, discipline, and perseverance that is highly valued by colleges and universities. Being on the national ranking also shows that you have achieved a high level of skill in your sport and have distinguished yourself among your peers. Participating in a sport like taekwondo can also help you develop important life skills that are valuable in college and beyond. For example, practicing taekwondo can improve your time management skills, teamwork, and leadership abilities, all of which are important for success in college and in the workforce. Many colleges and universities in the US offer support for taekwondo athletes in the form of scholarships, coaching, training facilities, and other resources. Here are some examples of colleges and universities that are known for their support of taekwondo athletes: New York University (NYU) : NYU has a highly competitive taekwondo team that competes at the national level, and the university offers scholarships to athletes who compete on the varsity team. University of California, Berkeley : Berkeley has a strong taekwondo program that includes a varsity team and a student-run club. The university provides training facilities and coaching support for taekwondo athletes. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) : UCLA has a varsity taekwondo team that competes at the national level, and the university provides scholarships and coaching support for athletes. University of Maryland, College Park : Maryland has a varsity taekwondo team that competes in the National Collegiate Taekwondo Association (NCTA), and the university provides coaching support and training facilities for athletes. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) : MIT has a student-run taekwondo club that competes in regional and national tournaments, and the university provides training facilities and coaching support for athletes. Duke University : Duke has a varsity taekwondo team that competes in the NCTA, and the university offers scholarships and coaching support for athletes. University of Arizona : Arizona has a varsity taekwondo team that competes in the NCTA, and the university provides training facilities and coaching support for athletes. University of Texas at Austin : Texas has a competitive taekwondo program that includes a varsity team and a student-run club. The university provides coaching support and training facilities for taekwondo athletes. University of California, San Diego : UC San Diego has a competitive taekwondo program that includes a varsity team and a student-run club. The university provides training facilities and coaching support for taekwondo athletes. University of California, Irvine : UC Irvine has a varsity taekwondo team that competes in the NCTA, and the university offers scholarships and coaching support for athletes. Cornell University : Cornell has a competitive taekwondo program that includes a varsity team and a student-run club. The university provides coaching support and training facilities for taekwondo athletes. Stanford University: Stanford has a varsity taekwondo team that competes in the NCTA, and the university offers scholarships and coaching support for athletes. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: UNC Chapel Hill has a competitive taekwondo program that includes a varsity team and a student-run club. The university provides coaching support and training facilities for taekwondo athletes. University of Southern California (USC): USC has a varsity taekwondo team that competes in the NCTA, and the university offers scholarships and coaching support for athletes. Virginia Tech: Virginia Tech has a competitive taekwondo program that includes a varsity team and a student-run club. The university provides training facilities and coaching support for taekwondo athletes. University of Virginia: UVA has a varsity taekwondo team that competes in the NCTA, and the university offers scholarships and coaching support for athletes. Yale University: Yale has a competitive taekwondo program that includes a varsity team and a student-run club. The university provides coaching support and training facilities for taekwondo athletes. It's worth noting that each college and university has its own unique resources and level of support for taekwondo athletes, so it's important to research individual schools to determine what opportunities and resources are available. In conclusion, taekwondo can be a powerful tool for students looking to enhance their college applications. By demonstrating dedication, discipline, and perseverance through their taekwondo practice, students can showcase their well-roundedness and unique skills to admissions committees. Being on the national ranking can open doors to athletic scholarships and opportunities to contribute to a college's varsity team. Additionally, the life skills developed through taekwondo, such as time management and leadership, can help students thrive in college and beyond. So, for those looking to make a kickstart to their college admissions journey, consider taking up taekwondo and see the benefits it can bring to your future endeavors.
By Pedro Osses 28 Jan, 2023
I met Grandmaster Young Kun Chun when I was a teenager. He was not only my Master, he was more like a second father to me. He taught me a lot of things, but most importantly he taught me how to be a good men. Modesty, courtesy, integrity, compassion, gratitude, self-control, perseverance and determination are the 8 virtues of a Black Belt.
By Pedro Osses 18 Dec, 2022
There are no quick fixes and in order to reach good nutrition habits requires commitment, patience and determination. Additionally, there are specific groups who may greater need for dietary supplements. For example, older people often do not make proper adjustments in their diets when energy needs decline with age. Although calorie needs generally drop with […]
By Pedro Osses 03 Nov, 2022
Marilyn called me yesterday to tell me how she had spent the entire night with insomnia dealing with awful cramps in her legs. She was in pain. When I saw her in person I understood immediately that she was a victim of the toxic ways of her mind and needed to find a different state […]
By Junelly Osses 16 Apr, 2022
We are celebrating one year of our school WE Martial Arts and we want to celebrate our anniversary recognizing our Coach, Athletes, partners and supporting families. One year ago, on April 2021 we started this adventure with lots of dreams. Thanks to the City of Pinecrest and the Parks and Recreations Department we launched our WE Martial Arts Program in Evelyn Green Park, where our Dojo is located. Last June we decided to compete in the USA TKD Regionals in Greenville, South Carolina with our 3 talented kids: Samantha, PJ and Lewis. Thanks to the many years of experience of our coach Pedro Osses, and the years of training and dedication of our Athletes, we got medals both in Sparing and Poomsae. That took us to the Nationals in San Antonio, Texas in July 2021. And we did it again! We got Gold, Silver and Bronze in different categories. This past February we were invited by the USA Taekwondo Federation to compete in the 2021 US Grand Prix Finals in Colorado Springs. Medalists from Grand Prix Series & Nationals & top ranked athletes were invited. Colorado Springs is known as the Olympic City of USA and we had the chance to see in action our favorite Taekwondo Olympic Athletes in the Olympic Training Center and also to see some fabulous fights for the Pan-American Olympic Games Qualification. We got back home with Gold and Silver both in Sparring and Poomsae, and our hearts filled with gratitud for such an amazing experience. This year has passed with lots of lessons learned. We want to express our gratitude to the amazing staff at the City of Pinecrest, to our students that bring enthusiasm to every single class, to our Coach Pedro Osses for his commitment and to our supporting families that believe in what we are doing. Cheers! Junelly R. Osses
By Junelly Rojas Osses 06 Jun, 2021
Samantha Rothan (11), Pedro Javier Osses (10), and Lewis Fernandez (9) are three little guys with a big dream. They are dreaming of the upcoming challenge that is only a few weeks away: The Taekwondo USA Grand Prix Series. The Taekwondo USA Grand Prix is a brand-new Major Tournament on the National Team Pathways, that will be held for the East Region in South Carolina between June the 24th and the 27th. These three young athletes are training hard, as Master Pedro says: “for themselves, their families, their school, and maybe one day for their country”. Our 3 tough little guys, as we call them, are part of our Young Athlete Olympic Program, also known as YAOP. Sami and P.J. - my niece and my son, respectively - have been practicing taekwondo for the last 6 years. We met the Fernandez family 3 years ago when our kids were part of a Taekwondo exhibition team. Lewis, their youngest son, always brought his big spirit and personality into the Dojo. In March 2020, COVID changed many things for us personally, as well as our community. Just as many families and communities worldwide, we had to reinvent ourselves. Through this process and during a very challenging time for everyone, we opened our school " WE Martial Arts " in April of this year. The City of Pinecrest was attracted to our idea of creating a niche Martial Arts Program focused on Taekwondo as an Olympic Sport. Since then, we have been training in the community center at Evelyn Greer Park, 4 times a week. My husband, Master Pedro, was personally driven by the opportunity to give his own kids the option to pursue a career as athletes, and to extend this opportunity to other talented, aspiring athletes in the local community, so we put the program together and followed the guidelines of USA Taekwondo (USAT), the governing body for this sport in the United States and recognized by the United States Olympic Committee. Pedro spent many years of his life training as a competitor with the Chilean National Team, and wanted to pass on to his students not only what he received from his Master, Young Kun Chun, but also the essence of Olympism. In his Master Pedro’s own words, “I got from my Master how to live an honorable life, and I got from the competition a sense of living with the joy of effort, good example and respect for different cultures”.
By Pedro Osses 01 Dec, 2020
Let me show you through these lines the importance of an assessment. A fitness assessment is a systematic problem-solving method that provides basic information which can be use for making educated decisions about the progression of the aging process and its impact on your future health, decisions about appropriate exercises, therapy, treatment, or diet. In […]
By Pedro Osses 02 Feb, 2020
Routine: a simple word that involves a lot. If we do not manage it, it could become a dangerous animal. Routine can work as an analgesic that keeps us away from our reality. It is like a drug. The routine can make us accept our chronic conditions as normal, and we simply forget. We forget […]
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